The Smyth Campaign Kick-off Event
Thank you to all who attended my campaign kick-off event!!! It was hosted by Newport’s own, Charlie Laranjo, and held on Wednesday, July 17th at the Elks Lodge. We had a wonderful turnout of family, friends, neighbors, supporters, and residents (some that I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time).

First ever “Candidate Signature Event Tour of Newport”
Earlier this summer I put together Newport’s first ever “Candidate Signature Event Tour of Newport”. Each candidate running for office was required to obtain a certain amount of registered voter signatures for their name to appear on the November election ballot.

Campaign Season is in full swing!!
The summer is off to a great start!! The city has seen many events since the start of the summer in June. Most notably have been PRIDE, Juneteenth, the 4th of July, Folk Festival, and Jazz Festival.