New Shouldn’t Always Be So Scary for Newporters
Letter to the Editor — City Manager
News of the City Council’s selection of our next City Manager began circulating earlier this week with a flurry of speculation and accusations.
Why weren’t more Newporters included on the search committee? Does this candidate have “municipal experience?” Why are we implementing a pay raise before this person starts? How did this process pan out and what lessons have been learned?
Some of these questions are entirely appropriate and, hopefully, we’ll get answers as more information becomes available.
Meritless accusations – particularly about this candidate’s qualifications – and before we even hear him speak are, frankly, unfair.
Aren’t we known for our hospitality? Is this the welcome Newport should give to a Navy officer willing to work tirelessly on our behalf?
Two years ago, I had the honor to serve on Newport’s Charter Review Commission. What I learned, among other things, is that we’re working with a document that NEEDS serious updating. For starters, has Newport outgrown our Council-Manager form of government? This allows just seven people (the City Council) to hire or fire our City's Chief Executive. And should term limits apply?
Our charter also stipulates that should a Councilor leave before the end of their term, the remaining Councilors – not the voters – fill that vacancy. It also states that Council determines who the Mayor is, and that Councilor does not have to be the highest vote getter.
Long story short, we’ve got some major housekeeping to do, and I would like to applaud all 27 applicants from 13 states who applied for the City Manager position.
For now, the Charter is clear that the City Council holds the power in hiring our City Manager and I say we give this candidate a fair shake – and time to find his office – before jumping to conclusions.
Steph Smyth